Working for yourself is amazing and I love what I do, but it can be lonely at times.
Finding a community of like minded people and cheerleaders is so important, and this is where the Be In Demand Community run by the amazing and super knowledgable Lisa Simcox comes in.

This month she’s busy organising The Big Event with the super successful, Lynne a Thomas from The Passive Income Trainer.
This is no little networking hangout at some dusty pub and way too many of those useless business cards flying around.
No, no no!
I have been asked to speak at a full day event of upbeat networking, training and general shenanigans!
It is a FULL DAY of networking, training and general shenanigans to help you get CRYSTAL clear with your business strategy.
So you can elevate your visibility, attract more of your target customers.
Oh, and, just in case that was not enough, there are prizes to give away too!!!
Here is what you are going to experience
️ Overcoming your mindset blocks
️ Achieving stand out marketing
️ How to use professional images
️How grow your finances by being savvy
️ How to generate passive income
All packed with practical advice and actions you can implement immediately.
But to be transparent there are limited tickets available and if you get in now, there is an early bird price.
The Big Event is not just a networking event, you are going to get some seriously EPIC training.
It is a celebration, bringing together a community of female entrepreneurs, to support, cheerlead and naturally buy from each other.
Are you in?
Head to www.thebigevent.org.uk to find out more
